Our Services

Our Services

The litigation services we provide are:

1.      As a Lawyer in Criminal Court

2.      As a Lawyer in Corruption Court

3.      As a lawyer in Indonesian Arbitration

4.      As a lawyer in the Commercial Court

5.      As a lawyer in bankruptcy cases.

Non-Litigation Services that we provide are:

1.      Legal consultation

2.      Registration of intellectual property rights

3.      Legal audit

4.      Legal Due Diligence (LDD)

5.      Document Export-Import

6.      Business Contract Drafting

7.      Mediation/ Negotiation

8.      Summons

9.      Processing licenses for the company

10.  Establishment or dissolution of the company

11.  Acquisition or merger

12.  As Receiver and administrator (Bankruptcy)

Our Fee

Lawyer Fee and Operational Fee / Lump Sums

Why choose us ?

Christiano adalah Advokat yang terdaftar di PERADI. dalam berkarir telah menjadi Konsultan Hukum bagi pribadi maupun perusahaan- perusahaan besar maupun kecil, baik swasta dan juga BUMN.

Christiano dalam memberikan konsultasi berbekal pada sertifikasi yang dimilikinya baik dari Organisasi Auditor Hukum Indonesia (ASAHI) dan juga sertifikasi dari Asosiasi Kurator dan Pengurus Indonesia (AKPI).

Over 10 Years Experience



Highly dedicated